Lethbridge and their new friend are ideas people – for every issue they come across in life, there is the perfect solution, which Lethbridge is happy to carry out in a practical way.
So when Lethbridge’s new friend comments that her teacher says that money doesn’t grow on trees, Lethbridge the superhero creates money from toilet paper.
I just want to put the idea of Lethbridge (imaginary friend) -spoiler alert, the Lethbridge character is a symbol for imagination and creativity – that no idea is too crazy and that imagination can stay with us forever, even into adulthood.
With this in mind, I created this artwork for apparel, and slightly different artwork for other things we often surround ourselves with. You can see the transparent background Lethbridge Imaginary Money Maker collection here (lower slideshow) AND the very funky Lethbridge Bathroom Money Maker collection here.
I had such fun with the merchandise, I created lots of fun things including socks, which as a funny shaped product is not at all easy to set up. I’m so delighted with them, I have ordered my own pair for those days when I need a lucky money-making feeling. Having ordered my designs on other products from Society6 in the past, I can happily reassure you that the quality is fantastic, as all the reviews attest.